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Friday, March 04, 2011

Five Things To Know About Praying

Understanding The Purpose And Power Of Prayer When You Pray

When you pray learn to be specific. I’m sure you’ve heard of the saying “watch what you pray for, you just might get it”, well it is good to be precise when praying. Even though  God knows your heart, being specific is a great practice to have when praying. With gaining understanding with prayer. Know matter what your belief is always remember to have a focus in your heart for prayer. A guide that will elevate you even higher when you pray.

Praying For Wisdom

When i pray, i always ask God for wisdom and understanding. You need a spiritual mind and a receptive spirit to understand the spiritual things of God.  I've learned that the outcome of our prayers do require a spiritual mind that can understand the  spiritual things of God. 

Pray In Private

When I pray I go to a private place or space, where there are know interruptions and know distractions. . Where i can focus on the issue or the person i may be praying for. I learned through life that some things are out of my control and i learned that in cases out of my control, I would have to implement the power of prayer.  Go where you can be totally  relaxed when you pray, where there are know interruptions. 

Focus and Faith

Learn to Focus when you pray. Learn to focus on the issues that your praying for and know that God can do the impossible. Know that when you pray, God hears your prayers.  Have faith in all that you ask for. Believe in your prayers and know that God will bring the desires of your heart to pass. 

Prayer Tools
Answering God: The Psalms as Tools for Prayer
Well my number one prayer tool for me is the bible, however you may have different tools that you may want to bring in your prayer room. Whether  it be candles, pictures, rosary, have your private personal prayer tools that are dear to your heart. These tools serve as a connection between you and the subject your praying for.